Tuesday 08th September 2020


The river as at 0800 am is falling slowly .

Monday 07th September 2020


The river as at 0815 am ,  this could easily change due to the rainfall this morning !

Thursday 03rd September 2020


Surprisingly the level is good as at 0800 am , despite  the recent rainfall however there is risk this image could change later .

Wednesday 26th August 2020


Big river this morning ,  falling slowly .

Friday 21st August 2020


Friday morning and the river is falling ,  however there is a risk this could change !

Thursday 20th August 2020


Thursday morning and the river is rising slowly !

Wednesday 19th August 2020


River is falling slowly following yesterday’s lift .

Tuesday 18th August 2020


The river is falling after a small spate yesterday ,  however overnight rain may see this reversed later !!

Thursday 06th August 2020

As of 0800 am the river is falling slowly and the colour is good .

Wednesday 05th August 2020

As of 0830 the river is rising quickly !!!

Wednesday 29th July 2020

River continues to fall slowly , hopefully the weather is settling down .

Tuesday 28th July 2020

The river is falling slowly following yesterday’s spate , colour is ok and fishable . Weather remains unsettled .

Monday 27th July 2020

Currently as at 0830 am the river is ok ,  However currently raining heavy so the picture may change later .

Friday 24th July 2020

Small lift of water yesterday afternoon , currently falling slowly and in good condition .

13th July 2020

River as at 0800 am this morning .

11th July 2020

Saturday morning 0800 am ,  the river is falling slowly conditions are good .

10th July 2020

The river is falling slowly ,  colour is good .

09th July 2020

As at 0800 am the river is rising !

08th July 2020

Wednesday morning 0800 am river level is good as are the conditions .

07th July 2020

The river as at 0800 am this morning ,  falling slowly colour is good .

06th July 2020

Big river fallling slowly .