19th JULY 2010 MONDAY

As you can see finally after the longest period of low water I`ve experienced in my ten years as River keeper , I woke to find the river in the condition pictured above !! As you can see as at 08.30 hrs this morning the river is falling steadily , as shown by the watermark on the sand .

Visibility is fairly poor at present increasing the chances of your fly going unnoticed , but will improve as levels subside providing some excellent opportunities for those anglers able to take advantage of them .

The picture above shows a young Roe buck attempting a river crossing on Friday afternoon ! upstream of Kingfisher Bend , until my unexpected arrival caused him to retreat to nearby woodland , this is not uncommon and I have seen them often swimming with only their heads above water

Finally a picture highlighting the floral display at Kingfisher bend inside the fenced off area , which improves annually , difficult to remember this was once a closely sheep cropped billiard table , and which now provides a vitally important and visual buffer zone .